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proposed exemption中文

用"proposed exemption"造句"proposed exemption" in a sentence"proposed exemption"怎麼讀


  • 提議免除


  • The proposed exemption would apply with retrospective effect to the year of assessment 1996 97
  • We have also introduced into this council a bill to give effect to the proposed exemption of offshore funds from profits tax
  • Proponents may wish to consider seeking early clearance from the buildings department for any proposed exemption from or modification of the provisions of the buildings ordinance in relation to their proposed design for the canopy . paragraph 7 of annex 4 . 5 of the ifp is relevant
    建議者如因為其建議的天篷設計而欲根據《建筑物條例》獲得豁免或修改該條例,或可考慮預早要求屋宇署給予批準。請參閱發展建議邀請書附件4 . 5第7段。
  • " further to a discussion on the same subject with the industry last year , having carefully considered the deputations and explored various options , the administration has refined the approach to amend the iro to effect the proposed exemption for offshore funds . the aim of this consultation paper is to solicit views on this latest approach , " a government spokesman said today january 4
  • " further to a discussion on the same subject with the industry last year , having carefully considered the deputations and explored various options , the administration has refined the approach to amend the iro to effect the proposed exemption for offshore funds . the aim of this consultation paper is to solicit views on this latest approach , " a government spokesman said today ( january 4 )
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